Health Care News

Keeping you up to date on the latest medical news

At MyAnatoMiH we are committed to providing you the latest news and information on trends in the health care industry. Your health is the most valuable thing you possess. We believe that the ability for you to maintain your personal health history while having access to the latest news and information on health research and trends puts you in control of your most valuable possession – your health.

June 8, 2020

Why You Need to Have Legal Documents on Hand When Getting Health Care

The recent COVID-19 pandemic brought to the forefront the need to have your health-related legal documents ready and on hand in case of emergency. The CDC provided guidance on access to health-care and long-term care facilities. For the safety of patients and health-care staff, many facilities restricted access to family members and visitors, removing the option for family to stay onsite with a patient. Thus, restricting possible patient advocacy by family members not being on hand to interact with and consult health care personnel treating patients.